Deanna Gall
Why this matters >>

Life can be so busy. I blink and my children have grown two inches. I take every opportunity I have to capture it all. From the precious little curls on top of my baby boy's head to the cute little smirk my daughter wears when she knows she's said something funny.
I want to remember all of their little details and I want them to be able to see how precious they are to me.
I wonder what the world will be like when they become adults. I loved looking through my parents old photo albums.
How will my children look back? Will they inherit my cell phone? Will they inherit my social media accounts? Something tells me these aren't the heirlooms of my generation or theirs.
This is why I take the time now, to have their pictures taken. I print them out and then hang them all over my house. One day, my children will look back on these and know that I loved them enough to take the time to have these moments captured so that their story can be passed on too.
*Image on flip by Tara Swain Photography